Welcome Back!

Members of the HTA,

Today was the first day back for most of you and I’m sure you’re all ready to begin the new school year. I sincerely hope everyone had a restful summer and had the chance to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends.

This year will not be like most years. There will be some new challenges that we face as teachers in Holyoke. Our job has never been easy and I ask you all to dig deep into your reservoirs and find the strength to guide you on this journey. It is important that we stand together and rely on one another with so much uncertainty and so many changes.

We lost a lot of teachers and of course that is a loss that will be felt, but we’ve also gained a lot of new colleagues. Our newest members will be the ones that need us all the most. Let us welcome them into our buildings with open arms and embrace them as the latest additions to our Holyoke Teachers Association family.

We all know we are in uncharted waters. We know it will be a difficult year. And still, I am hopeful that together we can make it a great year. I look forward to seeing you all in your buildingsĀ and working together to build union strength. Have a great school year!


In Solidarity,

Gus Morales

HTA President

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